Database Updates:

The Magic Analyst is comprised of a core database and incremental updates for new set releases. To install the core database, just download the install file and run it. To install a new set, download the update file, unzip it into your Analyst directory, and run the update program.

Magic Analyst Version 4.34: core database through Judgment (3.1MB)

Onslaught Patch for Version 4.3+ (48KB)
Legions Patch for Version 4.3+ (30KB)
Scourge Patch for Version 4.3+ (30KB)

Eighth Edition Patch for Version 4.3+ (49KB)

Mirrodin Patch for Version 4.3+ (44KB)
Darksteel Patch for Version 4.3+ (33KB)
Fifth Dawn Patch for Version 4.3+ (33KB)

Champions of Kamigawa Patch for Version 4.3+ (48KB)
Betrayers of Kamigawa Patch for Version 4.3+ (34KB)
Saviors of Kamigawa Patch for Version 4.3+ (34KB)

Ninth Edition Patch for Version 4.3+ (49KB)

support our development efforts!
donation is appreciated!

$2? $5?

PLEASE NOTE: You must install all of the patches IN ORDER, or the later ones will fail!
If you own a copy of the Magic Interactive Encyclopedia and want recent patches for it, click here.

Pricing Updates:

The Magic Analyst uses a custom pricelist that's published periodically to this website. To update your pricing data, download the latest pricing file, then unzip it into your Analyst directory. Start the Analyst, then choose "Import Pricing" from the main menu. The Magic Analyst will locate the file and import the new prices.

Analyst Card Price Update for Version 4.1+, updated August 20, 2005.(34KB)

Please note that these prices are in no way "official", nor are they sanctioned by Wizards of the Coast or any other entity, nor do they constitute an offer on our part to buy or sell. They represent only what it might cost you to purchase these cards through a small sample of online retailers. You would be unlikely to receive these prices as an individual seller, and you could probably buy the cards cheaper at auction. This pricelist is not the same as the venerable Cloister pricelist, which attempts to determine card prices via analysis of actual transactions posted to Internet newsgroups. (Unfortunately, the Cloister list does not effectively distinguish among different printings of the same card.) Nevertheless, it seems appropriate to paraphrase the Magic pricelist guru Cloister with this bit of wisdom: "As with anything that is bought and sold, a card's value is simply what the buyer is willing to pay for it."

Rulings Updates:

The Magic Analyst can import rulings in the format used by Magic guru Stephen D'Angelo at the Crystal Keep. Stephen quit the Magic scene at the start of 2004, but he returned in Sept 2005, and his rulings were once again available for a time. Now the site is entirely shuttered :-(.

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Changes last made on: Wed, Oct 3, 2018.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact us with questions or comments.

"Magic: The Gathering" is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
Game Maker's Studio, Inc. is unaffiliated with Wizards of the Coast, and this product is neither sponsored nor endorsed by Wizards of the Coast.