Serviceable patches for the MtG Interactive Encyclopedia have been developed by fans of the third-party MTGPlay software, which provides improved head-to-head Magic play online. (Arrian's patches are better!)

The MTGPlay patches use a key convention that's incompatible with the Magic Analyst, though, so they need to be tweaked before they'll work correctly. To change the keys:

  1. Download the above patches to a separate directory and unzip them.
  2. Download FixON.bat, FixLG.bat, FixSC.bat, Fix8E.bat, FixMD.bat, FixDS.bat, FixFD.bat and FixCK.bat to that same directory and run them. (NOTE: Now updated and tested for compatibility with Fork patches!)
  3. Move the new "38xxx", "39xxx", "40xxx", "41xxx", "42xxx", "43xxx", "44xxx", and "45xxx" directories to the \Images\LargeJPG subdirectory in your Magic Interactive Encyclopedia folder.

Voila! You'll see the new card images in the Magic Analyst. The Fork scans are top-notch, but for the other older patches, the image quality is a bit poor and the sizing is a little off. Nevertheless, these Encyclopedia patches are quite serviceable.

(If you happen to be a Magic database developer, please see our proposed standard for key values, aimed at preventing these indexing problems.)

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Changes last made on: Wed, Oct 3, 2018.
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